entry{ title = "Tecgraf", org = "Computer Graphics Technology Group, PUC-Rio", url = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/", contact = "Waldemar Celes", description = [[ TeCGraf is the result of a partnership between PUC-Rio, the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, and <A HREF="http://www.petrobras.com.br/">PETROBRAS</A>, the Brazilian Oil Company. TeCGraf is Lua's birthplace, and the language has been used there since 1993. Currently, more than thirty programmers in TeCGraf use Lua regularly; they have written more than two hundred thousand lines of code, distributed among dozens of final products.]] }
<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Projects using Lua</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> Here are brief descriptions of some projects around the world that use <A HREF="home.html">Lua</A>. <UL> <LI><A HREF="#1">TeCGraf</A> <LI> ... </UL> <H3> <A NAME="1" HREF="http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/">TeCGraf</A> <SMALL><EM>Computer Graphics Technology Group, PUC-Rio</EM></SMALL> </H3> TeCGraf is the result of a partnership between ... distributed among dozens of final products.<P> Contact: Waldemar Celes <A NAME="2"></A><HR> ... </BODY></HTML>
function fwrite (fmt, ...) return io.write(string.format(fmt, unpack(arg))) end
function BEGIN() io.write([[ <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Projects using Lua</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> Here are brief descriptions of some projects around the world that use <A HREF="home.html">Lua</A>. ]]) end
第三,定义entry函数a. 第一个entry函数,将每个工程一列表方式写出,entry的参数o是描述工程的table。
function entry0 (o) N=N + 1 local title = o.title or '(no title)' fwrite('<LI><A HREF="#%d">%s</A>\n', N, title) end
如果o.title为nil表明table中的域title没有提供,我们用固定的"no title"替换。b. 第二个entry函数,写出工程所有的相关信息,稍微有些复杂,因为所有项都是可选的。
function entry1 (o) N=N + 1 local title = o.title or o.org or 'org' fwrite('<HR>\n<H3>\n') local href = '' if o.url then href = string.format(' HREF="%s"', o.url) end fwrite('<A NAME="%d"%s>%s</A>\n', N, href, title) if o.title and o.org then fwrite('\n<SMALL><EM>%s</EM></SMALL>', o.org) end fwrite('\n</H3>\n') if o.description then fwrite('%s', string.gsub(o.description, '\n\n\n*', '<P>\n')) fwrite('<P>\n') end if o.email then fwrite('Contact: <A HREF="mailto:%s">%s</A>\n', o.email, o.contact or o.email) elseif o.contact then fwrite('Contact: %s\n', o.contact) end end
function END() fwrite('</BODY></HTML>\n') end
BEGIN() N = 0 entry = entry0 fwrite('<UL>\n') dofile('db.lua') fwrite('</UL>\n') N = 0 entry = entry1 dofile('db.lua') END()