首页,把以下代码复制到 functions.php
/** * Filter HTML code and leave allowed/disallowed tags only * * @param string $text Input HTML code. * @param string $tags Filtered tags. * @param bool $invert Define whether should leave or remove tags. * @return string Filtered tags */ function theme_strip_tags_content($text, $tags = '', $invert = false) { preg_match_all( '/<(.+?)[\s]*\/?[\s]*>/si', trim( $tags ), $tags ); $tags = array_unique( $tags[1] ); if ( is_array( $tags ) AND count( $tags ) > 0 ) { if ( false == $invert ) { return preg_replace( '@<(?!(?:'. implode( '|', $tags ) .')\b)(\w+)\b.*?>.*?\1>@si', '', $text ); } else { return preg_replace( '@<('. implode( '|', $tags ) .')\b.*?>.*?\1>@si', '', $text ); } } elseif ( false == $invert ) { return preg_replace( '@<(\w+)\b.*?>.*?\1>@si', '', $text ); } return $text; } /** * Generate script tags from given source code * * @param string $source HTML code. * @return string Filtered HTML code with script tags only */ function theme_insert_js($source) { $out = ''; $fragment = new DOMDocument(); $fragment->loadHTML( $source ); $xp = new DOMXPath( $fragment ); $result = $xp->query( '//script' ); $scripts = array(); $scripts_src = array(); foreach ( $result as $key => $el ) { $src = $result->item( $key )->attributes->getNamedItem( 'src' )->value; if ( ! empty( $src ) ) { $scripts_src[] = $src; } else { $type = $result->item( $key )->attributes->getNamedItem( 'type' )->value; if ( empty( $type ) ) { $type = 'text/javascript'; } $scripts[$type][] = $el->nodeValue; } } //used by inline code and rich snippets type like application/ld+json foreach ( $scripts as $key => $value ) { $out .= ''; } //external script foreach ( $scripts_src as $value ) { $out .= ''; } return $out; }
其次 编辑 header.php
文件, 移除 wp_head()
<?php ob_start(); wp_head(); $themeHead = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); define( 'HEAD_CONTENT', $themeHead ); $allowedTags = '<style><link><meta><title>'; print theme_strip_tags_content( HEAD_CONTENT, $allowedTags ); ?>
最后把以下代码放到 footer.php
文件的 </body> 前
<?php theme_insert_js( HEAD_CONTENT ); ?>